Platinum Jubliee or Platty Joobs as the little ones said!
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- By Jane
- Posted in 70 years, British, celebrate, coronation, Elizabeth, jubilee, monach, nation, party, plattinum, queen, royal, street
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Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
I have been amazed by the coming together of a nation for the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations. What an amazing achievement to serve your country for 70 years is beyond anything I could do! I'm not sure you can actually say she gets a day off it's all day everyday. It is a very different life from my life though and I'm sure the Queen won't have had to budget by placing money in labeled envelopes or worry about having enough to buy the children's shoes.
Despite all the differences one thing we have in common is the love of family. Maybe not all the family can work together all the time but we live in hope. Hope that there will be days everyone can come together and have a laugh, share memories and even cringe sometimes. It's all memory making.
My wish is that the children have seen the parties and smiles and they recreate many more in their futures and ours.
In all these time our home, our safe places to share with others or retreat to, become even more important. I have loved seeing the decorations, bunting, flags, paper chains and more that have appeared in the photographs shared over social media.
In Clock's we stocked up and still ran out of bunting as Scarborough and beyond (web sales) became a sea of red, white and blue.
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