Stop Faffin
Make the most of your time.
Every once in a while, we all find ourselves faffing. Procrastinating, putting something off, can be a way of avoiding doing something. Faffing about is much more serious. Trying something and doing it badly is not the way to go!
Faffing about means you are doing something but being ineffective. No one wants to be ineffective, it's such a waste of time!
Clocks understand the importance of time. You can't put a price on it, and you can't get it back if you waste it. When you shop with us, you know we value your time and will do everything we can to help you be as efficient as possible! Who knows what you'll do with all that extra time :-)
Isn't that handy?
Image:- Like the seed heads of the Dandelion Clock it is easy for the most precious gift of time to waft away from you.
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